Raphanus sativus
- 萝卜

Protective effect of extract of Raphanus sativus root on virus infection in vivo the white duck
Studies on the Location of Raphanus sativus Chromosome D in Radish Linkage Group 7
Effect of NaCl on the Stress Indexes and on the Activity of Protein Kinase in Raphanus sativus
Effects of Raphanus sativus roots on gastrointestinal stimulatory activity
Purification and Characterization of Two Chitin-binding Proteins with Lysozyme Activity from Roots of Raphanus sativus
The effects of sewage irrigation on the growth and scavenging system of activated oxygen of Phaseolus radiatus and Raphanus sativus were studied .
Effect of Ogura Sterile Cytoplasm on Interspecific Crossability Between Brassica Napus and Raphanus Sativus
Cloning and sequencing of a cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA isolated from Raphanus sativus and comparison of its sequence with 12 satellite RNAs
Effects of Gig Manure and Wheat Straw Application on Plant Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Cherry Radish ( Raphanus Sativus ) and Characteristics of Soil Fertility
It showed that the activities of SOD , POD and CAT and the contents of Vc of Raphanus sativus treated by 0.5 % NaCL reduced .
Adsurgens culture filtrate on the seedling growth of radish ( Raphanus sativus ) and wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) .
Effects of Raphanus sativus extract on gastric emptying and small bowel peristalsis in rats in vivo and smooth muscle of ileum of Guinea pig in vitro
A study of allelopathic effects and mechanism on seed germination and seedling growth of Raphanus sativus with the aqueous extracts of roots of ten varieties of alfalfa was conducted .
CONCLUSION : The extract of Raphanus sativus roots demonstrated spasmogenic effect on gastrointestinal tract , and this effect may through activating histaminergic ( H_1 ) receptor .
Methods : Water extracts of Andrographis paniculata root , stem and leaf were used to dispose Brassica chinensis , Raphanus sativus and Desmodium styracifolium seeds , young seedlings .
A filamentary virus is isolated from diseased radish ( Raphanus sativus ) with the symptom of reduction in growth leaf mosaic and distortion in Xinjiang . The virus is transmitted to 25 herbaceous species belonging to 9 different botanical families .
Effects of NaCl on the activities of SOD , POD , CAT , protein kinase , the contents of Vc , proline , soluble sugar , soluble protein , etc. , and the relationship between metal ions and the activity of protein kinase in Raphanus sativus were studied .